SAFETY FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our school. More details

Learn at Sunflower Early Learning Academy
Our Academics
Sunflower Early Learning Academy’s curriculum is in alignment with The Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards (IELDS), which provides reasonable expectations for children’s growth, development, and learning in the preschool years. Working with IELDS, Creative Curriculum, and IMIL our teaching staff focuses on Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Development and Health, The Arts, and Social/Emotional Development; focusing on the whole child.
Click on the links below to read our breakdown.
The Creative Curriculum® is research-based and supports the development of the whole child.
Here at SELA, our program offers Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), as well as ASL. There are positive impacts of offering multiple languages at an early age where children most benefit and can retain the language.
IMIL is an active learning curriculum enhancement that augments what early learning settings already do to promote physical activity and healthier nutrition.
SELA understands and embraces diversity—cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity (CLAD).
Early reading skills help children achieve greater school success over time.
Developmentally appropriate use of technology can help young children grow and learn, especially when families and early educators play an active role.